Thursday, May 15, 2014
Life is best described as a strategic journey. Just as no two people are totaly the same, no two life journeys are identical as well. One thing for certain about our life's journey is that life is filled with many uncertainites, however, there are a few things that we can be certain about life. Life is short, no one wants to trek their life's road alone, every person wants to experience love, hope, joy and significance.I had the honor of knowing Billy for about three years, however; we became better friends when he was diagnosed with cancer. As Billy's, Dot's, Cory's, Justin's, Kelly's,Kelly Jr's, Angie's, Robbie's friend and pastor I have witnessed Billy's last leg of his journey. Thankfully Billy assured me he was a Christ Follower so his earthly journey has ended but this week His soul began a new leg of his journey in the presence of Almight God. Billy faced his last days and weeks surrounded with family and friends, went fishing, went on car rides and made the most of each day God gave him. He has touched many people. I am grateful that our life journeys intersected. I thank God for Billy's life and memory.